18 de nov. de 2019

BloodSuckingFreaks - 20 Years in a Bloodsoaked Coffin - The Best of B.S.F

20 Years in a Bloodsoaked Coffin - The Best of B.S.F

01 20 Years
02 Iron Giant
03 To Slay
04 Radarmen From the Moon
05 Rotting
06 The Day will come
07 I Dismember Momma (country mix)
08 ElectroHell
09 Bloodsport
10 The Ghost of Tom O'Conner
11 Dammed Eternal Nights
12 Til Doom
13 Hacksaw T-shirt
14 Kindly Stop
15 Elvira
16 Baby's Dead Stare
17 Dead Good Looking

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